And here is what Mr. Shahrukh Khan, the newly throned MESSIAH of the so called "Ill-Treated" particular community, has contributed to the "Cause" of the Terrorists. The Self-Vindication journey of Rizwan Khan, an Asperger's Syndrome-afflicted character in the movie "My Name Is KHAN", portrayed by the so-called Superstar of India Mr. Shahrukh Khan, has found endorsement from one of the most dangerous terrorist outfit in this world.."HIZBUL MUZAHIDEEN". HM is utilizing the movie as an "Indoctrination Tool" to propagate the idea that Muslims all around world are facing stringent humiliation, atrocity, denigration and insult and hence THEY NEED TO COME TOGETHER FOR "JIHAD".
And here is what Mr. KHAN has established his Hidden Agenda...Be the MEGASTAR supported by the WORLD OF JIHAD...
The point is, what message he wanted to prove through his movie..Is it really HELPING our Muslim Friends?? If 9/11 victim US, has started a very stringent security-process and he was strip searched, then what was wrong?? Whether we like it or not, if US has not suffered another terror attack since 9/11 , then there is something which they are doing right. True Indians will do a great service to themselves by forcing the Indian security set up to learn from US rather than cribbing about insult to our dime a dozen VIPs. Don't you think that saving innocents from Terror attacks is more important than giving respect to so called VIPs? Some might consider only SRK as a VIP , but we all know in India there are thousands of VIPs in every city who want special treatment everywhere, whether it is in a hospital, railway booking, passport office, security check at airports and blah, blah, blah.
So instead, Mr. KHAN has tried his best to take the "Other Route" from this scenario with a HIDDEN AGENDA, and that's what it's paying now! And also it won't be surprising if Shiv-Sena has taken a SUPPORTING FEE by making a BELOW-PAR MOVIE as a BLOCK-BUSTER of all time..though a big hit in MIDDLE East and countries with same ideology. I've seen the olden granddads of MADRASSAS, who never go to multiplexes ever to watch a movie, to come in great number in order to make it a GRAND-SUCCESS.
May be Mr. Khan's intention was not that, but what he's done is something beyond repair. Action speaks louder than instead they could act accordingly, instead of spreading this SENSE OF INSECURITY among our fellow Muslim friends who are really against TERRORISM.Not only that, but also developing a kind of COMPLEXION in them to grow with and ultimately adding the fuel to Terrorist's JIHAD.
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